In 1870, President Grant signed a law making Christmas Day a federal holiday; a national day of celebration. Congress overwhelmingly voted in favor of this. Since that time the holiday has developed into much more than it was in the beginning. Religiously and commercially it has become a major event in the American culture.
And yet, there are some who might have been good friends with Charles Dickens’s Scrooge. They want the holiday, any holiday, to be totally secular. They are enraged that the interests of Christianity should be recognized by the government in any form. As a result some endeavor to vent their rage by “Crashing the Creche.”
This lesson will consider the attack the Freedom From Religion Foundation has made against a small town that chooses to display a nativity scene on the County Courthouse square. ? How should Christians respond to attacks on Christian symbols? Is this something a Christian should defend? Does a nativity scene on the courthouse lawn mean that the government favors Christianity?
………..Photo by Zenia…………..